In unserem Online-Archiv findest du Materialien aus mehr als 30 Jahren transmediale. Durchsuche 12.000 Kunstwerke, Veranstaltungen, ehemalige Teilnehmer*innen und Kurator*innen sowie Texte, um unsere Festivalgeschichte zu erkunden.
In a society ruled by algorithms, data is always at play. The drive towards the quantification of everything means that we are all contributing to a state of permanent capture of life into data. As citizens, workers and players of the networks we (often involuntarily) double as sensors for bodies of global data collection, working for the potential extraction of value everywhere and increasing the productivity of everyday life.
Für die 16. Ausgabe der diesjährigen Speisekino-Saison präsentiert die transmediale eine Video-Lecture über die alltäglichen Videokulturen in Moabit/Sprengelkiez, Grenzen überschreitendes Essen und ein transmediale "in between festivals"-Screening. | 19.September 2014, 19:00 (Beginn, Essen um 19:30 für 5 €, Filme um 21:00) im ZK/U – Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik. |
Bringing technology into discourse with natural history, Martin Howse and Rosemary Lee will lead a guided walk through the Museum fur Naturkunde Berlin. Discussing themes such as mining, post-humanity, media geology, and ecology in relation to the collections of the museum, they invite new interpretations of the earth's materiality, the deep past, and humans' relation to it. | 12 July 2014, 14:00-17:00, Museum für Naturkunde, Invalidenstraße 43, 10115 Berlin
Open Call for Works for transmediale 2015
Der Einsendeschluss unseres Call for Works ist abgelaufen. Vielen Dank für all eure Einreichungen!
Keine Demo-Versionen – nur fertiggestellte Arbeiten!
In a society ruled by algorithms, data is always at play. The drive towards the quantification of everything means that we are all contributing to a state of permanent capture of life into data. As citizens, workers and players of the networks we (often involuntarily) double as sensors for bodies of global data collection, working for the potential extraction of value everywhere and increasing the productivity of everyday life.
Call for participation, Ph.D research workshop. Datafied Research relates to the artistic call of transmediale 2015 CAPTURE ALL that “sets out to investigate and propose actions that push against the limits of today’s pervasive quantification of life, work and play”. | Workshop in Hong Kong, 17-22 Oct 2014., organised by Participatory IT Research Centre, Aarhus University; transmediale/art&digitalculture; School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong.
In unserem transmediale Archiv gibt es Photos, Videos, Webseiten, Publikationen und weitere Inhalte vergangener Festivals. Die transmediale verfügt auch über ein physisches Archiv, das Einblicke in 28 Jahre Medienkunst und digitale Kultur bietet. Deshalb waren wir Teil von DCA (Digitising Contemporary Art), einem Projekt, das von der Europäischen Kommission gefördert wurde.
2014 Vilém Flusser Residency for Artistic Research Artist in Residence Rosemary Lee will lead a reading and discussion related to her research. Her project, Molten Media, examines the cultural obsession with the creation and storage of codes as well as their paradoxical disposability. | 10 June 2014, 18:00-20:30, _Vilém_Flusser_Archive, Grunewaldstr. 2-5, 10823 Berlin |
Robyn Moody (ca) has been selected for the European Media Artist in Residence Exchange, in a joint effort of Werkleitz Media Art Centre Halle and transmediale.
transmediale collaborates with the International Triennial of New Media Art in Beijing, China: Our artistic director Kristoffer Gansing was part of their advisory board and former artist in residence in our Vilém Flusser Program for Artistic Research, Pinar Yoldas, exhibits work An Ecosystem of Excess this summer in Beijing (starting 10 June).
Zwischen Hightech-Glanz, Elektroschrottplätzen, Big Data-Firmen und Überwachungssystemen: Unter dem Titel afterglow erkundete die 27. transmediale, wie in der postdigitalen Gegenwart einstige Schätze des mediatisierten Lebens zu Müll werden. Trash oder Treasure? Internationale Denker und Kulturproduzenten beschäftigten sich mit dem gegenwärtigen ambivalenten Zustand der digitalen Kultur, in dem Medientechnologien sowohl Alltag als auch physische und immaterielle Abfallprodukte geworden sind.
Art Laboratory Berlin would like to invite you to the next monthly reSource meeting on Tuesday, 29 April at 18:30. | Art Laboratory Berlin, Prinzenallee 34, near Ubhf Pankstr and Osloerstr; SBhf Bornholmerstr; M27 |
Am 4. Mai 2014, 15:00, wird die Künstlerin Pinar Yoldas in ihrer Ausstellung An Ecosystem of Excess mit der Mikrobiologin Regine Hengge aktuelle wissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse zu Biofilmen vor dem Hintergrund neuer Ökosysteme in den Weltmeeren diskutieren.
Join us for our next meeting of the reSource network for technology-based art spaces and curators in Berlin. | Wednesday, 26 March 2014 at 18:00 at SUPERMARKT, Brunnenstr. 64, 13355 Berlin (U8 Bernauerstr / U8 Voltastr)
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1, 2014
Edited by Christian Ulrik Andersen, Geoff Cox and Georgios Papadopoulos
ISSN: 2245-7755
The current issue of A Peer-reviewed Journal About Post-digital Research (Volume 3 issue 1) is now online. It addresses the messy and paradoxical condition of art and media after digital technology revolutions and critically reflects on the term "post-digital".
It is once again a good time to gather the reSource Network. The reSource community will meet at Panke e.V. on February 26, at 6.30pm. Followed by CiTiZEN KiNO (#35) at 9pm, an analysis of this year's transmediale festival by XLt and dr.Podinski.
On 12 February 2014 at 7.30pm the exhibition An Ecosystem of Excess opened at Aksioma Project Space, presented by Pinar Yoldas, and Tatiana Bazzichelli. Look at the photos and the videos.
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