From the techniques employed to bring local governments onboard with open data, to developing self-run web tools and networks, to peer-based financial systems this special edition of Urban Knights focuses on governance and user-developer power relationships within decentralised systems for urban and civic living.
The panel brings Emer Coleman, Placr (formally The London DataStore), activist and developer, Jaromil, critical engineer Danja Vasiliev and social entrepreneur and founder of Freifunk, Jürgen Neumann together to discuss their methods of creating autonomous networks and tools.
Curated and moderated by Teresa Dillon, Urban Knights is a programme of events, which promotes practical disruptions to our given city infrastructures, norms and perceptions. This special edition also included the Othernet workshop, which took place during Vorspiel.
We invite you to the Othernet demonstrations and opening exhibition, which will take place after this panel at Studio Weise7, Weise Str 7, Neukölln, Thu 30th Jan, 19.00.
Introduction by Kay Meseberg
Presented in cooperation with