reSource network meeting on 29 April at Art Laboratory Berlin
reSource network meeting on 29 April at Art Laboratory Berlin
Art Laboratory Berlin
Prinzenallee 34
near Ubhf Pankstr and Osloerstr; SBhf Bornholmerstr; M27
Art Laboratory Berlin would like to invite you to the next monthly reSource meeting on Tuesday, 29 April at 18:30.
For those of you who haven't been to any meetings before: The monthly meetings began in Summer 2012, and present participants (artists, curators or anyone interested in the nexus of technology, media and culture) a chance to meet, discuss and organise. The meetings are based on the premise of building a community related to 'technology based arts' (in the broader sense) in Berlin. Visitors from outside Berlin are welcome as well.
1. Short intro to Art Laboratory Berlin and our current programme
2. A brief summary of the 'reSource network' and its history and participant introductions
3. How should reSource develop over the next year:
• What NEEDS do participants (technology oriented artists, curators, and other) have that reSource can act upon? (among suggestions: actors with ideas but no space; combined fundraising, PR, etc)
• What glaring GAPS are there in the Berlin scene? (among suggestions: deeper engagements in the social challenges we are facing to 1. survive, and survive as artists 2. be prepared for dealing w/ looming crises situations 3. AND change the operating systems that are driving the crises and unsustainability factors)
• What do you DESIRE from reSource (ie what potential could it realise?) (among suggestions: pioneer + experiment w/ alternative local-scale community forms; open up a channel + meeting space - a working group - which is seriously engaged w/ activist + "tactical arts"territory...)
4. What are some potential roles for the reSource mailing list and the* website. For example, there could be a magazine section on the website. Should they be curated/edited?
* For those interested there will be a meeting of the TBA working group at ALB at 5PM (before the general meeting). See below
5. We would like to introduce content/ forum section of the meeting (and suggest including one in future meetings?). Here we would discuss a theme.
Our topic this month: 'Curating Life Forms' Bioarts, New Media and Berlin dealing with both the problematics of bioarts and the relative lack of this genre in Berlin. We will start with a brief introduction by Desiree Foester and Christian de Lutz and open the talk up to the participants of the meeting
Agenda for the working group meeting at 17:00
The meeting will start with a short introduction of the project for any newcomers. Then we will
1. focus on ideas for extending website content - possibly a magazine with 'editors' or curators' inviting writers in addition to (but not replacing) the current open form.
2. work on developing ideas for promoting the website to a larger public.
3. outside ideas are most welcome.