Geronimo Inutiq / madeskimo
Geronimo Inutiq / madeskimo

Madeskimo is the alter-ego of Geronimo Inutiq. Using electronic music equipment, he presents sounds and music referencing dub, electronica, urban music, and electroacoustics, all with the cultural filter of having originated in the changing face of the Canadian arctic. The midnight sun; the infinite vistas of rolling hills, sky, and water of the arctic; the long cold and dark winters punctuated by the surreal dancing of northern lights and the vastness and lushness of the milky way; the Inuit legends and myths of yore; the sounds of nature, traditional songs, throat singing, and drumming - are all filtered through the entity that is madeskimo. Also someone quite metropolitain, of Aboriginal and French Canadian ancestry, madeskimo represents the cultural dynamics of a 21st century Canadian true and through and stands to bring a challenging and refreshing postmodern aboriginal and Canadian dynamic take on electronic music to the world.