Ausland / Umlaut im Ausland

Ausland / Umlaut im Ausland

27.01.2012 21:00
Partner event

Umlaut is a European Network of musicians working in the field of improvised / experimental / contemporary music with the aim of amplifying the creative processes around us. Umlaut Berlin and Biegungen present compositions by Florian Bergmann, Pierre Borel, Hannes Lingens, played by Florian Bergmann, Pierre Borel, Johnny Chang, Alba Gentili-Tedeschi, Chris Heenan, Hui-Chun Lin, Derek Shirley, Grégoire Simon. | Vernissage: 27 January 2012, Doors open 21:00, Start 21:30, Address: Ausland, Lychener Str. 60 10437 Berlin

Umlaut Berlin and Biegungen present:

Compositions by Florian Bergmann, Pierre Borel, Hannes Lingens, played by Florian Bergmann, Pierre Borel, Johnny Chang, Alba Gentili-Tedeschi, Chris Heenan, Hui-Chun Lin, Derek Shirley, Grégoire Simon
Curator/s: Umlaut Records


ausland is a non-commercially run venue in berlin for music and performance and related public and non-public events. ausland is also a workspace for local, national and international artists and projects. ausland holds on the average three shows a week and is run by a group of up to 6 people, who all have a high degree of autonomy in deciding which band is to play here or which performace should take place. or which film is shown or which lecture read. the focus clearly is on experimental, non-mainstream, demanding, kind of weird stuff which either makes you comfortable or makes you leave the place before you've even finished your first (cheap) drink... devoted to this weird stuff since over 5 years, the staff of ausland tries its best to respect the human need of consuming arts in its finest forms. there are practical constraints, as always in heavenly life, coming (i.e.) from the limited amount of money, or time; from the limited number of people (avail)able to realize special projects, or maybe just from the absence of a holy spirit. but, who comes here, might be saved on the spur of the moment.


Umlaut is a European Network of musicians working in the field of improvised / experimental / contemporary music with the aim of amplifying the creative processes around us. The 3rd Umlaut Festival Berlin will be held from 16 - 19 February 2012 at ausland and other venues.
Vernissage/Opening time & date: 27 January 2012, Doors open 21:00, Start 21:30
Cost: 5,00 €
Address: Ausland, Lychener Str. 60 10437 Berlin



