N55 Shop Project, 2004

N55 Shop Project, 2004

Production country: 

A/55 will install a version of SHOP in the Fly Utopia! Market. Exchange has been monopolised by profit-oriented motivations. SHOP is an attempt to show that it's possible to meet each others' needs without having to exploit one another. SHOP will enable the public to exchange items instead of using money. At SHOP, one can contribute things for others to use, borrow, swap or take as they need. All sorts of items will be available at SHOP, and will be labelled under different categories in order to show that they can only be used at SHOP (yellow tag), borrowed (magenta tag), or they can be used, borrowed, swapped, or if necessary, taken (cyan tag). This installation of SHOP has been developed and adapted especially for transmediale. 04. A/55 will be present throughout the duration of the festival.


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