Jodi: lnstall.exe
Jodi: lnstall.exe
They simulate error messages, viruses and computer crashes. Flood the screen with endless streams of brightly coloured hieroglyphs. Revive dead programming languages. Jodi’s work deals with what is behind the familiar surface of the browser - with the code. Jodi were among the first artists to work on the Internet and have recently produced a series of artistic computer game modifications. In this first comprehensive individual exhibition the Dutch-Belglan artists duo present an overview over their work from the last years, as well as the new project “© 1984” which was conceived for the historical computer Sinclair ZX Spectrum. The exhibition will be opened during transmedlale.03 and was produced by the Basle-based media lab [plug In] with networker Tilman Baumgärtel.
Tu-Sa 12—18h