Revés - the term refers to the ‘back’and also means ‘misfortune’. Revés is a wild video, it is absurd, full of bizarre things and high speed. It has images of Mexico City, images with staged scenes and endless cruises. These are not the most beautiful pictures, not the glittering sides, but the back - but not necessarily the dark sides either. If you have ever experienced the murderous speed of this city, you will recognise it in this picture frenzy, a combination of documentary and impressions. This video is not simply about city sights. It deals with a way of life. The present is the past of the future It is said that life goes around. Is it a circle or a circumference? Does life goes around us or do we go around life? It all seems to be circular, not linear. Everyday, causality and coincidence are mixed to create destiny; every moment, luck plays with us and we play with luck. With its magnificient images and a masterfully constructed montage, this work fascinates us while simply wat ching it or looking deeper into its metaphorical level.