Theaterprojekt Goethe-Institut (Day 4)
Theaterprojekt Goethe-Institut (Day 4)
Present Day German Theater - The Goethe Institute Video Collection
German theater is the most diversified and highly funded in the world. The Goethe Institute wishes to project an image of german theater through this video project. A series of, up until now, 16 films informs about 'behind the scenes' theatrical activity, some in a light manner: How does a local theater cope with a changing daily program and still manage to attract national attention (e.g. Kammer- spiele, Munich)? What can the so called 'independent theater' do against large, rich and stagnant theatrical institutions (e.g. Berlin, Hamburg, Munich)? Why does Tabori induce provocation? (A profile). Are critics superfluous or are they background controllers? (Questions to the 'Big Boys'). Other films document life backstage: Dramatists, Stage De-signers, Lighting Engineers or the role of woman in a male dominated area: Directors. Also East German theater development in the last four decades. This series is continued with a summary of the most interesting pieces of the season, with profiles of contemporary authors.
Each film has an accompanying brochure containing further information. The Video Collection presents choice productions, in 5 languages. It is published by Michael Merschmeier (Theater Heute), and produced by Hartmut Horst (Medie- nOperative). Screening: "Bühnenbildner" (F.Wille/A.Ris) "Meister des Lichts” (H. Horst)