VideoFest '90


VideoFest '90

The MedienOperative is organizing The international VideoFest for the third time. Word of the success of the previous years has spread: entries form 36 countries were submitted; even more Video producers and representatives from insfifufions of the video culture are eager to participate. Within a short time the VideoFest has become one of the most important international video festivals.

This year's programme consists of works covering the field of videoart and documentation; the intention i s to point out video-specific realizafions of documentaries. Thus Paul Garrin was selected to be the "Artist in Residence". His various contributions will enrich the argument on "video language".
The programme of the VideoFest dedicates entire days to crucial points:

USA (Saturday, February 10)
Traditionally one of the leading countries of video culture, the selected productions form once again one of the most exciting programmes as to form and confent.

GDR (Sunday, February 11) *Two video workshops offer insighfs info East German video activities barely known. Furthermore the new approach and style of youth programmes will be presented. A panel talk will follow the screenings featuring television editors from East and West which will also take a critical standpoint towards the morale of fhe media in the West.

France (Saturday, February 17)
An exciting discovery this year: Frenc h productions, lyrical and sophisticated, impress by their unique combination of video with dance, painting and theatre.
At the same time the Videofest offers an overview of last y ear’s international productions including all facets of video art, experiment and documentation.
The jury had to cope with a huge amount of entries. The selection was an essential but sometimes enervating task as many tapes lacked the necessary conceptual strength or just played with electronic tricks. Yet not all productions which would have been woith showing could be included. The jury had to bear in mind that enough space for talks and discussions had to be ensured.

We thank all those associated wit h the VideoFest'90, whose dedicated work was able to compensate for the restricted budget. We especially thank the Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin for its grant which is a first step to ensure the financial future of the VideoFest.

Hartmut Horst, Micky Kwella


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