Andy Cameron
Andy Cameron

Andy Cameron is the Head of the Interactive Department at Fabrica, the Benetton research centre on communication in Treviso, Italy. Each year Fabrica invites young artists, photographers, designers, musicians, writers, interaction designers from all over the world to collaborate and “uncover the future” He created the Hypermedia Research Centre at the University of Westminster and co-founded Romandson Interactive and Antirom, a studio that investigates the nature of interactivity - how it operates as a language, what forms and figurations of rhetoric it makes available, and what novel structures of spectatorship it offers. Besides creating interactive installations around the world for museums, art galleries and public spaces, Andy Cameron teaches interactive art and design at the IUAV in Venice and speaks regularly on the impact of interactive technologies on design, marketing and the fine arts.In 2008 he was a jury member for the Interactive Arts prize at Ars Electronica and in 2009 he was guest curator of the Share Festival for Interactive Art in Turin. Andy lives and works in London and Treviso.