Derek Howard
Derek Howard

Upon moving to Berlin, Germany, Derek shot and directed a short film in collaboration with the Städelschule and soon after began a three year long journey as assistant director and assistant editor to Russian documentary filmmaker Victor Kossakovsky, on his latest film, Vivan Las Antipodas! Derek continues to have strong ties working with notably visual artists such as Jeremy Shaw, Gareth Moore, Kara Uzleman, Mark Soo and many more, collaborating on projects at Art Basel (The Kirlian Bar 2012) and documenta13 (Gareth Moore 2012). As a participant of the IDFAcademy program in 2010, he won first place in a pitching competition with his experiential mid-length documentary Doctor Korbes, which received funding from the Canada Council for the Arts for completion. Derek recently directed two music videos for Berlin based artist Christopher Kline, and is currently developing a feature length experimental documentary and a dramatic feature script.