Die Schöpfer der Einkaufswelten / The Creators of Shopping Worlds
Die Schöpfer der Einkaufswelten / The Creators of Shopping Worlds
Shopping is an everyday cultural act; it is inevitable, taken for granted. Entering into the world of shopping - the world of shopping malls - can be a Dantean voyage into hell or a redeeming ceremony of Communion. Everyone is familiar with this experience and knows what a matt looks like. This self-evident phenomenon is, however, the result of a highly complex process. The designing of shopping malls is overseen by an army of planners, managers and scientists: there are consultants, re-launch analysts, a central association, mall magazines. 6000 guests and laboratories attended an annual convention in Las 1/egas at which such questions were investigated as to where the gaze of the customer falls and how a spontaneous purchase can be induced. Farocki shows how mall producers look at malls when they want to find out, for example, how passers-by move, where they stop and where they reach for a product. He adds these images to the everyday ones - and gives them a magical charge.