Ditch Plains
Ditch Plains
"Ditch Plains opens with a dystopian scene of inert bodies lying on deserted city streets at night. Shot in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, the film follows the protagonists – members of Ringmasters Crew, a New York-based street dance group – as they roam through scenes of devastation in the city’s outer boroughs, while locals line up to fill their plastic cans at the gas station. Their jittering, fragmented movements, sharply edited to a jagged soundtrack, seem to turn the derelict front porches and deserted nighttime streets into a video-game backdrop. 'People don’t know how to act,' says the digitally manipulated voice of an unseen narrator. Lit by Day-Glo strips, the dancers move as if possessed, but the film's compelling urgency is rather born of dispossession: the question of how to act in a disaster zone, or in a life punctuated by stop and search, interrogation and vigilation, when actions themselves are out of your hands." (Kirsty Bell)