The VideoFest offers an abun dance of activities in connec tion with the topic Multimedia. One of them is the exhibition at the Podewil foyer (see next page). Further offers:
The VideoFest on the Internet
The program of the festival, the authors and their contributions, the video installations and Multi- media presentations - all tied in to an interactive Multimedia ca talogue on the World Wide Web: that's what the Videoweb is about.
Texts, graphics and images for informational purposes, the Vi deoFest trailer and clips from sel ected videos, giving an overall view of the program units, make the VideoFest an event on the global computer network.
The TRANSCONFERENCE of the Videoweb offers the opportunity to contribute to the discourse on media theory and discuss "Net works and Multimedia": via e- mail and WWW one can use the Internet tojoin the discussion between lecturers of the Video Fest, network experts and media theoreticians. We will continuously update the Videowebduring the VideoFest and explain all about this work- in-progress laboratory at the Po dewil. Authors: Videoweb team of the HdK Berlin (FB 4), supervised by Martin Potthoff and Stefan Gór- gens.Workshops: CD-ROM und Internet. The VideoFest offers two works hops on interactive multimedia production for CD-ROM and World Wide Web: Information - presentation - reflection - prac tical instruction. Initial blast-off. There is a leaflet for your infor mation at the Podewil counter.
The results of the workshops, headed by Simon Biggs (Lon don) and Martin Potthoff (Berlin), will be shown at the VideoSalon on Feb. 19, 16:00. The exhibition in the Podewil foy er will exhibit 20 multimedia pro
jects that were selected by a jury: Simon Biggs, computer artist
(GB); Micky Kwella, VideoFest (D); Susanna Mende, VideoFest (D); Ursula von Paczkowski, Pixelpark (D); Joachim Sauter, Art+Com (D).
Due to organizational reasons, the ju ry could only decide after this catalogue went to press. Therefore, we included a leaflet in it; if it is missing you can obtain it at the cashdesk or at the counter of the VideoFest.
The following works are on dis play: 16 CD-ROMs and 4 options on INTERNET. One of these will be awarded first prize on Feb. 19 fol lowing thejury's decision. Allpro jects exhibited in the hall within the framework of Multimedia,
will also be included in the exhi bition. The principle is simple: each computer (supplied by Ap ple Computer and maintained by M.A.X. Computer Systems, for which we give thanks) is linked with only one Multimedia pro ject; accessing any other is im
possible. At the "station" you will find a synopsis of the content and a navigational aid, explai ning the most important opera tional steps. Don't worry if you encounter difficulties or quest ions:just ask for a guide (a per son who will help you or explain the programs to you) at the counter.
Selection Criteria
There are innumerable CD-ROMs on the market (mostly reference works, games or pornography). The Internet also offers a broad choice. The VideoFestjury only considered works with artistic or political intent, real content, and an interesting navigation.
Internet Access
Only one out of five computers will offer free Internet access to introduce this form of communi cation. The other four have a fixed project relation. The rea son: the emphasis of this year's VideoFest is on exhibiting exciting works (like paintings in a gallery); we already offered you opportunities to explore the net and to surf in it last year.
Opening hours for the exhibition are from 12a.m. to I I p.m. Ad mission is DM 5,-, free for those holding an accreditation or visit ing a performance.
All CD-ROMs on display can be purchased; please refer to the counter for details.