There has been a traditionally close relationship between the VideoFest and Latin America, especially Argentina and Brasil. Keeping in contact via letter, fax or phone is often not that easy; visits to the countries usually work better but are only possible from time to time. Therefore, we are especially happy that an excellent media communication with Cuba enabled us to put an emphasis on that country for the first time. Ourjury couldn't quite take to this year's submissions from Argentina. As a novelty, Argentina set up its own jury, consisting of the video producers Sabrina Farji, Sara Fried, Diego M. Lascano and Carlos Trilnick (all from Buenos Aires). They selected the best productions of the country for us (yet the video producers not chosen could submit their tapes to the VideoFest directly). Argentina's economic growth obviously enabled authors to use hightech; however, the resulting works are obsessed with form rather than content and do not add anything new on an international scale. All in all this year's Latin American program again makes it abundantly clear: video over there refreshingly differs from the productions of the Northern Hemisphere, more sensitive, political, brazen, and weird in the best sense of the words: emotion shining through... Captain Cardozo; Súbito stacatto; Cidade: A nuvem video; Aquarela; Formou o bonde; Otros tiempos; Montoneros, una historia (part. 1); Trena Cartagena; Zaida; Forever; Del sueno a la poesia; Vénus de fogo