LEAP / Drawing in the age of electronic expressions

LEAP / Drawing in the age of electronic expressions

28.01.2012 20:00
Partner event
Other Locations
Credit: Miha Fras
Credit: Miha Fras

The exhibition looks at visual art techniques – in particular painting and drawing – and how the role of the artist has been transformed by the impact of digital technology. | Vernissage/Opening time & date: 28 January 2012, 20:00, Exhibition dates: 28.01.2012 – 05.02.2012, Address: LEAP (Berlin Carré, 1. Floor), Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 13, 10178 Berlin

Drawing in the Age of Electronic Expressions
with David Bowen, Daniel Franke, Sanela Jahic, Julius Stahl, Takahiro Yamaguchi
Curators: LEAP


The exhibition looks at visual art techniques – in particular painting and drawing – and how the role of the artist has been transformed by the impact of digital technology. What happens if 'the fate of image is from now on numerical' (Edmond Couchot) and the significant areas are now scattered in bits and bytes so that only 'point universes' (Flusser) remain? The ‘producer' can leave the surface and program equipment, with data controlled by insects and machines, which themselves turn into the actual producer or synthesise sounds into images? With works by David Bowen, Daniel Franke, Sanela Jahic, Julius Stahl, Takahiro Yamaguchin.


Lab For Electronic Arts And Performance (LEAP) is a new project space for electronic, digital and performance art. LEAP is an interdisciplinary project that aims to forge relationships connecting Art, Science and Technology. LEAP is a project by Daniel Franke, Kai Kreuzmüller and John McKiernan.


Vernissage/Opening time & date: 28 January 2012, 20:00
Performance 21:00 "Sanela Jahic - Fire Painting"
Further Performances of "Fire Painting" Saturday 28 Jan, 21.00, Wednesday 1 Feb, 21.00, Friday 3 Feb, 21.00
Finissage/Closing time & date: 5 February 2012
Exhibition dates: 28.01.2012 – 05.02.2012
Opening hours: 12:00 – 22:00
Cost: Free (or donate what you want)
Address: LEAP (Berlin Carré, 1. Floor), Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 13, 10178 Berlin
How to find LEAP: vimeo.com/20384216
> leapknecht.de/


(Image: Credit Miha Fras)
