Monstres Synthereels
Monstres Synthereels
10 unholy creations from the surreptitious miscegenation of graphic palette, video camera and postproduction suite, spawning a hypothetical tele-population, of which these real / synthetic images document existence. They are presented as large transparencies, each in their own 'television' / light box. The series is particularly inspired by certain aspects of the history of the face of Madness, most notably, by 'the gryllos', as described by Michel Foucault: "Everything about it that is impossible, fantastic, inhuman, everything in it that implies an anti-nature and the swarming of a crazed presence at the surface of the earth, all this is precisely what gives the gryllos its strange power. The freedom of his dreams, however terrifying, his phantasms of madness, had for the man of the 15th century, more power of attraction than the reality of lusf for the flesh." (from: Michel Foucault, Fiistoire de la Folie a I'Age Ciassique)