Music and Internet: Audio Visions

Music and Internet: Audio Visions

05.02.2001 20:30

Music: An art that has diversified into many stylistic and functional varieties. The Internet: A system that establishes new communication forms, serves as a transformer of data streams and provides the user with a wealth of information and applications. ‘Music on the Net’ should be differentiated between music that is also presented on the Internet and a music that only exists on and through the Internet. Music on the Net means a loss/freeing from the performance contexts: the user/reci- pient accesses data, regardless of time and spatial restrictions, and is often challenged to participate musically through the interfaces. Music through the Net refers to those projects that project music in external contexts (e.g. sound installations) or communicate over the Net (live networking). Although there is still no stylistically definable Net music at the moment, it is nevertheless foreseeable that the Net will change the musical landscape. The panel discussion traces the beginnings of the audiovisual appropriation of the Net, names the changed conditions for the aesthetic experience and discusses visions for the future of music on the Net (or ‘Net music').
