Paik-Nacht: There is No Rewind Button for Life
Paik-Nacht: There is No Rewind Button for Life
Nam June Paik, the father of video art, died on January 29, 2006. The Akademie der Künste, Berlin commemorates its prominent member. 18 H Traditional Korean music in the Foyer and other spaces 19 H Opening Klaus Staeck, followed by Paiks Kosmos'. Introduction Wulf Herzogenrath. Performances by Kunsu Shim, Gerhard Stabler und Mario Bertoncini 21 H Panel discussion with Mary Bauermeister, Pash Buzari, Anne-Marie Duguet, Wulf Herzogenrath, Ira Schneider, Emmett Williams (invited). Moderation Manfred Eichel 23 H Music performance by John Cage, played by Mario Bertoncini. Followed by falling piano. 18 H - 24 H Video works by Nam June Paik: A tribute to John Cage (1973), Global Groove (1973), Allan V Allen's Complaint (1982), Documenta 6 Satellite Telecast (1977), Good Morning Mr. Orwell (1984), Merce by Merce by Paik (1978), Stockhausens Originale: Doubletakes (1964- 94), A Tribute to Nam June Paik' (1982). Installations by Nam June Paik (Mercury', 1991) and Toni Serra, winner of the NJP Award for 2006