Ryoichi Kurokawa
Ryoichi Kurokawa

Ryoichi Kurokawa (*1978, Osaka, Japan) works intensively with audiovisual media since 1999. He describes his work as time based sculptures in which digital generated materials and field recorded sources, and minimalistic forms and complex structures coexist. Kurokawa treats sound and image as a single unit of which he constructs his precise audiovisual language. His work takes on a variety of forms such as screenings, records, installations and live performances.
Kurokawa released a number of CDs and DVDs and engaged in collaborations with musicians such as HUMAN AUDIO SPONGE (former members of the Yellow Magic Orchestra). He hab been invited to numerous noted international festivals and museums in Europe, the USA, and Asia including the Tate Modern (uk), Shanghai eARTS (cn), Mutek (ca), TodaysArt (nl), and Sonar (es).