Screening CTRL [SPACE]
Screening CTRL [SPACE]
Thomas Y. Levin (Princeton University) is the curator of the exhibition 'CTRL [SPACE], Rhetorics of Surveillance from Bentham to Big Brother1(ZKM Karlsruhe, until February 24, 2002). Challenged by the disturbing and constantly expanding omnipresence of surveillance in our daily life to investigate the state of the panoptic art at the beginning of the 21st century, the interdisciplinary exhibition explores a wide range of practices - from more traditional imaging and tracking technologies to the largely invisible but infinitely more powerful practices of "dataveillance". Levin will comment on the show and present examples from artists inch: Denis Beaubois (au), Pat Naldi & Wendy Klrkup (uk), Chris Petit (uk), Zoran Todorovic (yu), Institute of Applied Autonomy (us)