Thank you to all reSource-participants and visitors of transmediale 2k+12!


Thank you to all reSource-participants and visitors of transmediale 2k+12!

The reSource for transmedial culture team would like to thank warmly all the participants and visitors! Two weeks after transmediale 2k12, things are getting back to normal in the transmediale office, even though there is still a general feeling of both reveling and melancholia in the air. It was a great festival and a big success for all of us!

Two weeks after transmediale 2k12, things are getting back to normal in the transmediale office, even though there is still a general feeling of both reveling and melancholia in the air. It was a great festival and a big success for all of us! Thanks to the fantastic contributions of our reSource participants, we were able to create five days of exciting and intense talks, panels and workshops, generating a very positive feedback from the public, colleagues, and press, and attracted a great number of festival visitors.

The reSource for transmedial culture team would like to thank warmly all the participants and visitors! It was great finally getting to know some of you in person, being able to welcome in Berlin the ones who don't live here, and to create and enjoy the festival in general and the reSource programme in particular together with you.


After the festival, the reSource will extend its activity proposing a series of events held in the course of 2012 and beyond, as a way to gather and present the results as well as to continue the dialogue further. By envisioning the festival as a peer-production context of sharing knowledge and practices, the first event will be held in Berlin at General Public ( on May 11-12, 2012, while the second initiative is scheduled for August 22-24 at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien (


We hope that many of the collaborations we started for the festival will continue in the future - after all, this is what the reSource is all about!

In the upcoming weeks we will develop and feed the reSource website and blog with more information about the future events of April and August, as well as about the general progresses of this initiative, to keep you informed.


International artists, cultural producers, hackers, activists, and gender-situated communities active in the city of Berlin and in the broader field of net culture regionally and internationally, are invited to co-develop experiences, experimentation and reflection. Of course, if you have ideas for projects and collaborations with reSource we are always happy to hear from you, so please don't hesitate to contact us!


Warm greeting, all the best and see you soon,

Tatiana Bazzichelli & Daniela Silvestrin



image credits: Mark Butler



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