transmediale.09 Marshall McLuhan Lecture

transmediale.09 Marshall McLuhan Lecture

28.01.2009 19:30
Partner event

Zacharias Kunuk, one of the world's most widely respected aboriginal filmmakers (Atanarjuat - The Fast

Runner, Golden Camera at Cannes, 2001), was nine years old when his family gave up their nomadic lifestyle
and settled in the new government town of Igloolik, Nunavut. As a co-founder and creative member of the
Igloolik Isuma Productions team, he produced films that preserve the Inuit oral culture and bring Arctic life to the world. At the transmediale.09 Marshall McLuhan Lecture, Kunuk and his colleague, Norman Cohn, will talk about the importance of access to, and use of, new media for contemporary Inuit culture.

Zacharias Kunuk, one of the world's most widely respected aboriginal filmmakers (Atanarjuat - The Fast

Runner, Golden Camera at Cannes, 2001), was nine years old when his family gave up their nomadic lifestyle
and settled in the new government town of Igloolik, Nunavut. As a co-founder and creative member of the
Igloolik Isuma Productions team, he produced films that preserve the Inuit oral culture and bring Arctic life to the world. At the transmediale.09 Marshall McLuhan Lecture, Kunuk and his colleague, Norman Cohn, will talk about the importance of access to, and use of, new media for contemporary Inuit culture.
