transmediale.11 - thank you!
transmediale.11 - thank you!
On February 6th, 2011 transmediale.11, Berlin's festival for art and digital culture, came to a close with a resounding performance by transmediale Award 2011 winners HONF from Indonesia. The entire festival team would like to thank all participants for their inspiring contributions, our guests and audience for their input, experiential, and interactive participation, as well as all our partners, supporters and collaborators for making the festival a great success!
Over 200 participants from 30 countries, among them artists, media activists, philosophers, coders and researchers devoted themselves in 300 projects to the challenges of an inherently connected society “going live” in the digital age. We focussed on creating an equally 'live' and participatory festival where the culture(s) of the internet and open systems explored the complex processes of digital social interactions themselves. Including new initiatives such as the Open Web Award, the festival explored those real and active zones of radical artistic, cultural and political activity that we, as a global community of individuals and independent initiatives, need to protect in order to guarantee the unhindered freedom to create new forms of communication, social interaction and cultural development.
We were especially happy to welcome to transmediale.11 the many new and young international visitors, who helped the festival become an even stronger platform for the interdisciplinary, exploratory and critical discussion on the Zeitgeist of digital art, culture and contemporary networked society it aims to be. From its principle venue, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt to the transmediale.11 satellites and partners across Berlin (many of which continue with programs into April 2011), the festival attracted well over 30.000 visitors, a record number!
Cheers, and we look forward to seeing you again in 2012, transmediale's 25th edition ...