A short portrait of a young filmmaker of Serbian descent who lives in Germany, and the way he relates to the civil war in former Yugoslavia. Zoran has never been extreme in his political and national affiliations, but refuses to severe all links with his relatives and the people in his homeland. Although he is unwilling to believe all of the sensationalist media accounts of atrocities reportedly perpetrated there, some of the news puts him at a loss for words and stirs up an inner conflict that he can endure only by making a joke of it. Cultivated, witty, open- minded - Zoran is a Swabian, a German, a cosmopolite. But the war has left its mark, confronted him with the subject of identity in a way he cannot ignore - even if he wants to. Today, Zoran may be somewhat more of a Serb than he was before. One thing is certain: he doesn ‘t fit in with the way people imagine Serbians.