reSource network meeting on 27 Oct. 2014 at Panke e.V.


reSource network meeting on 27 Oct. 2014 at Panke e.V.

Panke e.V. would like to invite you to the next monthly reSource meeting on Monday, 27 October at 18:00. transmediale will present their ideas for the next Vorspiel 2015. | Panke e.V., Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin

Panke e.V.

Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin

near U+S Wedding, S Humboldthain


Panke e.V. would like to invite you to the next monthly reSource meeting on Monday, 27 October at 18:00.


For those of you who haven't been to any meetings before: The monthly meetings began in Summer 2012, and present participants (artists, curators or anyone interested in the nexus of technology, media and culture) a chance to meet, discuss and organise. The meetings are based on the premise of building a community related to 'technology based arts' (in the broader sense) in Berlin. Visitors from outside Berlin are welcome as well.


One main point of the meeting will be discussing the upcoming Vorspiel, the Berlin network festival before CTM and transmediale 2015. There will be presented some new ideas for structuring the festival and how to take part in the process.


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