self-tracing / self-watching

self-tracing / self-watching

01.02.2015 10:00
Café Stage

Eine soziale Skulptur, die auf der Café Stage des Haus der Kulturen der Welt innerhalb eines Tages entwickelt wird.

Die aktuellen Debatten um Überwachungssysteme schaffen ein Gefühl davno, wie zerbrechlich die digitale Kommunikation ist und wie einfach auf unsere persönlichen Daten zugegriffen werden kann. Auf der anderen Seite kümmert sich der Durchschnittsnutzer von sozialen Netzwerken wie Facebook oder Twitter auch nicht sonderlich darum, ob private Infomrationen öffentlich werden oder nicht. Weit gefehlt: “self-tracing”, “self-watching”, “self-publicity” und “self-quantification” werden als nützlich für individuelle Zwecke angesehen. Im Herbst 2014 wurde an der weißensee academy of art ein Seminar zu diesen Themen abgehalten. Das Ergebnis ist eine soziale Skulptur, die auf der Café Stage des Haus der Kulturen der Welt innerhalb eines Tages entwickelt wird. In einem gemeinschaftlichen Ansatz verändert sich die Gestalt der Installation ständig, wenn die einzelnen Beiträge angeordnet werden. Gleichzeitig schafft die Installation auch ihre eigene Geschichte.

Contributions to the installation by: Louise Douet-Sinenberg, Hannah Fiand, Jana Jedermann, Elizabeth Johnson, Lukas Jakob Löcker, Dora Petrova, Pascal Reinhard, Phillip Schaefer, Stefanie Schwarzwimmer, Carme Servalls Munar, Vera van de Seyp, Dafna Stoilkova, Daniele Tognozzi, Maria Turik

Coordination by: Hannes Brunner, Mindaugas Gapševičius, Felix Groll

Contributions to the installation self-tracing / self-watching:

Hannah Fiand. Daten säen, Glück ernten?

A report of a two week experiment of self-tracking

Dafna Stoilkova. Self-communication

As we are getting captured more and more, do we capture ourselves fully? - An interactive garment reminds their owner to not fall asleep during the day.

Elizabeth Johnson. Monitor

A computer sits with a broken screen and its webcam recording. Because of damaged pixels you can not see yourself approaching. This recorded footage is then compressed and re-written to have unpredictable effects. The disrupted footage will be projected in a separate monitor space from the computer, with a delayed playback time of several minutes

Lukas Jakob Löcker. #mirrormirror

The project is dealing with the question of self-presentation & self-perception via one’s body and data on three layers.,

Carme Servalls Munar. From A to B
Which kind of traces do we leave in our daily life? My fear of getting lost in the middle of a new big city has lead to generate an important amount of digital information about where I have been and where I am going to be. Using Google Maps as an essential tool in my daily routine, I have been recording these two digital and physical itineraries in order to recreate this tracks from my own perspective. A personal map of Berlin.

Dora Petrova, Louise Douet-Sinenberg, Vera van de Seyp. Watch your traces

As the visitors face the screen, they are being filmed. The projection works like a mirror, but the faces are being covered. We intend to question the appeal raised by a vision of oneself in an exhibition space. When the visitors move to the backside of the projection, the covered faces are being exposed continuously, to everyone

Stefanie Schwarzwimmer. 9to5

The Western European definition of time for work or labor. A clock is filmed for eight hours, without interruption. A sound is heard little and shakes of the camera view refer to someones bodily breathing movement.

Daniele Tognozzi. Ecke

An empty corner is used for projections from another corner, not defined where that is, but someone is hanging pictures or rearranging physical displays like a skull on a shelf referring to vanities and disappearing life.

Maria Turik. No one knows where I am

The growing awareness of the pervasive data capturing evokes latent unease. When you sleep no one knows where you are. This is taken in consideration to experiment with a space as a refuge for not being captured, metaphorically as refuge for an individual quiet sleep.

Pascal Reinhard. Cow-watching

A feeling of being watched is proposed by offering an image of animal, because we are not used to being watched by animals. 
