I-Wei Li
I-Wei Li

english only
Born in Taiwan and raised in Canada, I-Wei’s first Commerce Degree from Simon Fraser University lead her to work as a banker in Kenya till 2002. Six years later, she graduated with 1st Class Honours in Textile Arts from Goldsmiths College, University of London. In 2009, she moved to Berlin to establish SideBySide Studio. I-Wei positions herself as a ‘contexterin’ – a female person who aims to generate new context each time in her art practice. The artistic experience for her is an overall experience that queries all aspects of life. As a curator, she seeks to highlight the approaches and viewpoints of contemporary artists. As a producer, she animates events where intellectuals and artists are invited to exchange their critical reflections. As an artist, she commits herself to experimental and documentary films, multi-media installations, and interactive performances. Solidarity within the cultural sector is I-Wei’s current research focus. Besides theoretical frameworks, she also tackles this topic through animated events such as Kunst Apotheke Salon and The WAVE. In addition, she has been leading Value of Values, a non-artistic exchange experimentation among cultural workers, since 2008.