Maja Kuzmanovic

Maja Kuzmanovic

Maja Kuzmanovic is a generalist, with an academic background in Design Forecasting and Interactive Media, whose professional experience includes design (of various flavours), facilitation and transdisciplinary leadership. Maja is the founder, principal invigorator and hear chef of FoAM, a distributed, transdisciplinary organisation, guided by the motto "grow your own worlds". FoAM is designed to explore the interstices between traditional disciplines, physical and digital worlds, crafts and technologies. Prior to FoAM, she experimented with MR & VR in research institutes across Europe (GMD, CWI, Starlab), lectured (HKU), as well as collaborating with technological arts collectives such as Post World Industries and Pips:Lab. Her particular approach to people and technology have been recognised by the MIT's Technology review & the World Economic Forum, awarding her the titles of Young Innovator (1999) and Young Global Leader (2006). Her current interests span augmented reality gardening, storytelling, patabotany, environmental resilience and techno-social aspects of food and food systems.
