Another George
Another George
The shires landscape, seen through Uruguayan and Japanese eyes is rendered in impressively cinematic DV monochrome. ‘Another George’ tells the story of an insomniac archeologist rewriting the Quest of St. George. During four restless days George, who is awaiting his professor in the English countryside, entangles with a village boy, who gives him a marvellous object, a couple absorbed in philosophical thoughts. All the encounters seem not to answer what Georg is seeking for, when he falls into half-awake dreams of ancient worlds. The film spoken in French, English, Japanese, German and Chinese, is a mixture of humour and suspense, dream and insomnia, spirituality and small talk. A subtly unnerving film, resembling a Jim Jarmusch remix of Rossellini in its characters as well as with its aesthetics.
‘Another George’ was shot on digital video in ten days on a shoestring. Exclusively natural light and domestic lamps were used during filming. There were just two professional actors in the film. One appears briefly in a secondary role; the other one was a trained dog featured in many other productions. Both directors appear in it, in secondary roles. There are a couple of characters that have dialogues in Japanese and Chinese, but in real life the actors didn't understand each other's language. Only two of the five French characters in the film were native speakers.