La Cité des Anges

La Cité des Anges

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"I have been inspired by Philip K. Dicks universe of parallel realities, synthetic beings, half-artificial, half-human for some years now: from 'Valis' (Centre Pompidou 1988), a labyrinth inhabited by decoys and simulacra, to the 'Ubiks', computer generated images on canvas. From 'Dispositif pour un parcours vidéo' (1980) which returned to us viewers a fragmented image of ourselves, cast into space, to the virtual environment 'L'Autre' for the Cartier Foundation (1992) which staged an interactive encounter with a computer generated face in real time. Over all these years, I haven't stopped to search for our other face, that which is unveiled in an encounter with mediating beings who are, in my view, the angels of our time.
The video installation la Cité des Anges', created for the VideoFest 93, is more specifically dedicated to the movie ’Blade Runner'. It will feature two generations of artificial beings programmed to endlessly search for one another. Their impossible encounter will be countered by barely discernible images of the 'Creation of Man' as it was dreamed by the angel Michael in his 'Last Judgement'. "
(Catherine Ikam)
In collaboration with Louis Fléri, music by Pierre Charret.
